(Sorry for the shorter chapter. I have been pretty busy and wanted to get one out. This chapter goes with Aria Raptures latest chapter so be sure to either read hers first or after to find out how Mila got into this mess i the first place!)(Aria's- http://rapture100baby.blogspot.com/2013/03/30-shake-it-out.html?zx=cc20973526b37fc0)

The room was dark and I was bound to make Mr. English boy mine. I had explained the challenge to him and he agreed to be a father and also agreed to bring me to the party. The party was not quite the place I would have had the magic happen, but I drank a LOT throughout the night and destiny took its course. The party was great as we danced and kissed and groped.
Standing near the stairs I was waiting for him to bring us some new drinks when the lights went out. A hand fell low to my back and I grabbed his wrist to drag him up the steps. Finding a door I flung it open as I meshed my body with English boys. Hands searched body surfaces and clothes all about ripped off. We made use of our time and the bed.
I heard a voice, was that Aria. What the heck did she want to watch or something? My eyes showed confusion as I looked up to her. The look of horror on her face forced me to look down... into the eyes of Levi Smores. I thought I was going to be sick. Sobering up in a flash I hurled myself off the bed and pulled my dress on.
"Aria" I called out as I watched her leave the room. How did this happen, where the hell was the real Mr. English. Anger boiled inside me as I glanced to Carter who was still by the door, a sympathetic look on his face for me and a worried one for Aria.
Levi stood from the bed, his laughter filled my ears making my rage even more intense. He stepped closer to me, filling the gap that was between us. Carter straightened up, his fists clenched as I used my hand to tell him to stay put. I could handle Levi on my own.
"That was for your sister being a w---" Levi started.
Pulling my arm back I punched him in the face with all of my strength before he could finish his sentence and knocked him backwards to the ground. He had not been expecting that. "Fuck you, you piece of shit. You will rot for this." I spat at him, stepping over his body to go towards the door.
"Bitch" I heard him mutter and I shook my head. Remembering Carter had been in the room I looked up to see him smiling and holding back a laugh. "If you are well enough to drive I would really like to get out of here please." I asked him holding back tears. My sister hated me for something that was an accident. She had to know I would never willingly sleep with Levi. She knew that, right?
Back home in Starlight Shores I did my best to care for my children. Aria would not take my calls or respond to my messages. My depression got worse as I grew pregnant with Levi's spawn. I never thought I could loath being pregnant or having a child before. I was proven wrong.
"Do you think she will ever talk to me again? I didn't know it was Levi in that room. I was supposed to meet my date in there" I sniffeled and asked Carter who was sitting on the couch next to me. I was thankful for him through all of this, one of my best friends. I looked a mess as tears rolled down my cheeks. My hair a mess and clothes grungy, I stopped caring about what I looked like.
" I think she needs some time. I have been trying to talk to her a little bit about it. I believe you and know you wouldn't hurt her like that. I have to say again... that punch to his face was awesome." Carter grinned lightening the mood.
The baby came shortly after. Glad to have teens in the house to help out I mostly left them to care for the child. I couldn't find the pure love in my heart for (him/her). I enjoyed having another baby but this one could never get my unconditional love.
I missed Aria... I wanted her back, needed her back in my life. I needed my step sister, my rock.