(If you haven't already... check out Sinematic Parts 1 & 2. It is part of the 4 chapter combination that Aria Rapture and I are doing!)
Sinematic Part One
Sinematic Part Two

Sinematic Part One
Sinematic Part Two

The plane ride had been smooth and I couldn't be more thankful. Flying with Aria was always a bit intense as she had a bit of a phobia of planes.
Out of the stuffy line to make our way off the plane we walked together, we me more or less supporting her to retrieve the luggage. I watched as she had a few drinks before takeoff, but I didn't think it had been enough to get her too messed up. I wanted to play it safe rather than sorry, my arm linked tightly in hers.
"How long has it been since we last saw mom and dad?" I asked Aria as we stood waiting for the luggage to make its way around to us.
"It feels like forever, do you think they will be surprised by our random drop in visit?" I smiled to her. It felt good to stand, the flight seemed longer than normal and I swear the man sitting next to me did not understand what a shower was.
I had to choke back a small laugh as Aria slurred her words, perhaps she had more than I remembered to drink.
I would drink with her this trip, I knew she was trying so hard to get over so many things. Carter being the main one. Bridgeport had not been nice to either of us and I was sure it had not made matters between them any better.
I could smack them both upside the head. They really drove me crazy at times.
They would realize
One day...
I took a deep breath in as I grabbed a mint out of my purse and held to to her.
"I'm really sorry Ar..." I said lightly, leaning my head to hers. I hate this for her... for both of them.
"Stay here and I will be right back." I said spotting Aria's pink luggage bag and my red one. Her's always stood out.
Returning to her with luggage in tow I stopped. "You okay to pull this? You really should have worn flats." I winked and stuck my tongue out at her.
"Lets go get a cab! I can't wait to see them. They are totally going to freak out!" My face lit up with a smile that grew even bigger.
I really hoped Aria would not get sick as we pulled up to the massive house. I had watched her turn a little green on some of the curves to get here. Thankfully the mansion greeted us in time.
I wished so badly I could fix things for Aria, she could attempt to hide her sadness all she wanted. I knew better. She knew the connection we had.
The world snapped back into place as I hear her calling out to me from behind the cab. I needed to get out there before the bags squished her. Thanking the taxi driver I gave him $30 for the ride.
My feet hit the sidewalk as I helped Aria take the last bag out of the car. "Perfect plan sis. The garage is open which makes it that much easier. I bet we give my mom a heart attack when we walk in." I grinned. My poor mom, I had likely given her a few heart attacks in the past.
After rolling the over stuffed bags to the garage and placing them inside I grabbed Aria's hand and led her to the door. Sliding my key out of my pocket I inserted it and unlocked the door.
"Let me go in first and see where they are hiding." I whispered to Aria. "Then I can come grab you so we can attack!"
Sliding my body through a small opening in the door I tiptoed across the floor, I could hear two voices.... they did not sound happy.
My hand slapped over my mouth as I heard my mother yell at dad, step dad.
No.. no no no Aria could not come in here. NO!
Moving back to the door I slid back out and held it behind me.
"We need to go and come back." I said my eyes open wide. I was trying to stay calm... I heard that wrong... right?
Aria could see anxiety written all over my face as I stepped back out. I knew she wouldn't let this one go. Her poor hair paid the price as I watched her nerves start to work up.
Please don't go in, please don't go in.
I repeated in my head.
I would lose this one... I could see it in her eyes now.
"It was nothing. Things are fine. They are just arguing. No big deal." I tried to force a smile and give short answers.
She had me pushed aside in no time. How on earth had the alcohol made her so strong?
Ah, yes
Adrenalin... wonderful.
I waited a few minutes trying to calm myself again before opening the door quietly. Aria was close, pressed against the wall, a look of horror on her face. I was almost certain that if she had not puked before... she might now.
Stepping in front of her I placed my finger over my lips telling her to SHHHH. Grabbing her wrist I gave a strong yank to pull her out the door and I clicked it closed.
"Ar.... please don't freak out... please. We can figure this out." I said holding on to her and looking around the garage. It had to be a mistake... it couldn't be true... could it?
"Proof, Ar. We need proof before we believe this. I bet we just heard wrong. It's wrong... right?" My hands were busy pulling a few boxes from the metal shelves on the wall.
"Help me look?" I pleaded to her trying to get her to stop thinking, I knew she was coming close to a meltdown. I wanted... no, I needed to ease her mind.
I tried to ignore Aria as she asked me what I heard. I had heard enough to know that the word sister had a new meaning.
I shook my head concentrating on the boxes. It wouldn't be the end of the world if it was true... I was more worried about what it might do to Aria. That and I was a proof person.
Box after box I threw open lids and started yanking papers out of them. Random paperwork that Jack held onto. Old school stuff from when Aria and I were children floated around me.
I stood to get more boxes, and I could see Aria shaking as she fell to the floor where I just was.
"I can't find shit." I said to her, my voice swaying from glad to anxious. Finding nothing was a good thing... right?
I heard a slight clink behind me as I grabbed a box. Setting the ones I grabbed in a new spot I turned and was greeted to Ar holding a shiny box.
"Does it have a key?" I asked looking at her holding onto the lock.
My back turned to her again as I moved to Jacks tool box. I had learned a few things from Carter when we were younger and I knew if there was no key then all we needed was bolt cutters.
And I just so happened to find some.
The lock was small enough to be cut without issues. I was glad.
I took a big breath in knowing it was the right thing to do in taking the box from Aria. I was not sure what we would find on the other side but I knew it needed to be me who saw it first... again.
I paused for a moment as Aria asked me the what if's.
The metal was cool beneath my fingers.
"They can't be right. Maybe they were talking about Rene... her mom." Her name was sour in my mouth and my hand instinctively went to my throat for a moment.
Shaking my head and clearing my throat I again forced a smile. I had to sound sure, I had to make sure Aria did not fall apart.
Finally opening the box I pulled out the one lone paper that was sitting in the cold silver case.
Swallowing the lump in my throat I grabbed it. I knew from the colors and boarder right away that it was a birth certificate.
Only they looked different than the ones that I had. This was the original. The original my mother said she lost long ago. My birth certificate had no father listed.
My eyes fell on his name... the name of my... father.
"Jack Rapture"
I was not sure if any noise came out of my mouth as I said the words.
Tears stung my eyes and anxiety fell over me as I feared what might come next.
Ar couldn't handle this... she didn't need this... not now.
My lip quivered as I tried to regain a smile.
I flinched as Aria snatched the paper out of my hands, I had apparently said her fathers name louder than I thought. I could see so many emotions crossing her face as she ran her eyes down the paper a few times.
She looked up at me, the paper falling from her fingers and I knew this trip was coming to a very short end for her.
"I know Ar." I said to her sympathetically as she ran out of the garage. This was more stress than she needed considering she was already at her breaking point.
"I love you, I will figure this out." I said mostly to myself as Aria was out of sight. And I would.
Pulling Arias suite cases out of the way and hiding them from sight, I grabbed my bags and placed a smile on my face. I knew the talk would be hard, but it needed to happen. We both needed answers and I was always the one to deal with the confrontations.
"Mom, Jack!" I yelled into the house as I once again opened the door leading from the garage. "Surprise, surprise!"
A surprise it would be indeed as I had tucked my birth certificate into my pocket to ask them about.
My mom was the first to reach me as she pulled me into a hug and had a smile on her face.
"Hey Kiddo." Jack... Dad... Said taking my bags from the floor.
After getting my bags stuffed into my room and some snacks in our stomach. The three of us made our way outside to catch up. We spent some time talking about my challenge and how I already had 33 of my 100 babies. They still had a little bit of a hard time understanding why Aria and I were doing, the baby challenge thing.
“I see Aria could not join you, normally you two are joined at the hip when you come to visit.” Jack semi asked to me as I sat there. This was my chance.
“You mean my sister?” I challenged him.
“Aria, your sister, well step sister, yes.” His eyebrow rose at my tone of voice.
“No, Aria. My HALF sister.” I pulled the paper out of my pocket and quickly smoothed it out. “We heard you guys fighting. And I found this. How long were you going to keep this a secret from us? Why did you keep it a secret from us?” Flinging the paper into his lap, my mother’s eyes caught mine and I could see tears stinging them.
My mom spoke as Jack sat there, his eyes big at the discovery I had made… that Aria and I had made. “Jack and I were both involved. He was married and I had been with a man off and on for a while.”
“She deserves to know Jack.” She said resting her hand in his as she continued.
“We met while we were both out of town and spent the weekend talking and getting to know each other. We were both having some issues at the time and things kind of happened. We kept in touch privately and shortly after I found out I was pregnant. Aria’s mother found out the following morning that she was as well. I did not want to be the one to pull his family apart and I know he didn't either. We decided to keep in touch and he was actually able to be there for your birth as well… Our feelings never went away Mila. I loved Jack and when Aria’s mother died we waited, but the spark was still there. We knew we were meant to be together. We debated whether or not to tell you girls but we were not sure if you could handle it. I am sorry honey.”
As everything sunk in I sat in silence. Finally I could speak and I was, dare I say it… happy. “I would have loved knowing that Aria and I were actual sisters when we were little. We have a bond that has made everyone who ever met us question if we were sisters. I.. I don’t get why you couldn't tell me.”
“We were worried Mila.” Jack said, “You know how fragile Aria can be and we did not want to hurt her. We would have told her eventually, the timing just has never been right.”
“She already knows…” my voice came out as a whisper. “She crept in and heard you guys and she left when I found my birth certificate.” I could see Jack, dad, start to reach for his phone. “Dad, don’t.” That word took on a whole new meaning. “She needs her space. Give it to her.”
The next few days were a whirlwind of emotions and talks and me worrying about Aria. I needed to get home and check on her. Cutting my trip short I left mom and Jack behind, all the new found information crowding my head.
Back at home I met with my doctor and chose another donor. Not too much later I fell pregnant and later welcomed another set of quads into the world.
This was my life… donor dads and getting played by men. I mostly didn't care but for some reason it was starting to bug me. Could I finish this challenge? Would I be a single mother forever or would I find that thing called love that I know Aria searched for. Even if it was right under her nose.
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