I was standing in the airport talking to my step sister Aria and our friend Danielle headed back from my tip to Sunlit Tides. I was so thankful my sister had let me join in their fun away. I needed it, I was still working through my feelings of Max's death and I had gotten very drunk on the trip. My cellphone started to ring. Stepping to the side I grabbed it and a flash of blue crossed the screen. I knew that hair there was only one person it could be.

"Haiti Ki" I answered the phone in our strange greeting we always answered with. My eyes caught a shelf of chocolate and I immediately wanted some. I wanted sometime to stuff my feelings. The trip had been good fro the most part with keeping my mind off of things but the truth was I missed Max, a lot.
I could hear crying on the other end of the line and it snapped me back to the phone conversation. "Ki?" I asked my voice starting to worry. There was no answer.
"Kimari?" I shouted as my anxiety peaked and worry rushed over me.

"Mila, I need you. Please get here as fast as you can." She said, her words were rushed. Before I had time to answer her or ask her a question the line went dead.
"Kimari.... KI!" I yelled a few times before tucking the phone back into my pocket. I needed to go and I needed to do it fast.

I started running, leaving my sister and friends behind me. I needed to change my plane ticket and get checked in before the next plane to Hidden Springs left. Passing through the sea of people I ran into my friend Ariana.
"Dang Mila, where is the fire? The plane won't leave you behind ya know." She joked with me.
"Ariana I am so sorry." I said, willing the tears that stung my eyes not to fall. "I have to go NOW." I said starting to back away from her. "I am changing my flight, I do not have time to explain right now. Please tell Aria I am sorry." I said over my shoulder before I took off running again. I hoped Aria would not kill me, she hated flying with a passion. I was scheduled to fly with her to her place in Riverview before changing planes and headed to my house in Starlight Shores, for moral support of course.

"One ticket to Hidden Springs please." I told the airline worker who was behind the counter. What had Kimari so upset I wondered. I knew there were some issues going on but I did not think they were going to escalate, not this quickly anyway. The conversation I had with her left me unsettled and filled with worry.

After getting off the plane in Hidden Springs I turned on my phone and called my friend. Thankful for the short flight I stopped to finally take a breath.
"Haiti Mi." I heard her answer, she sounded better than she had the couple hours before hand.
"Ki, I am here at the airport. Do you need me to take a cab to your place?"
"I am almost to the airport Mi I will see you in about 10 minutes." She replied.

Making my way over to the luggage claim, I waited for my bag to be brought inside. Once I had everything and I was about to head to the doors I caught sight of the big blue eyes I knew to be Kimari's.
"Ki!" I squealed walking towards her. "What did you do to your hair?" I gasped as I took in the new color which was not her signature blue.

"Who the fluff are you?" The blue eyes girl looked at me in disgust. "I am NOT Kimari. I am the prettier more perfect sister Angelica. What you just called me was an insult. I am not that whore." She spat at me.
Taking me by surprise I held up my hands, I had forgotten that Kimari had a sister. "Ki is not a whore." I said back. "What a bitch" I thought to myself.
Then it hit me. I knew why Kimari was already on her way to the airport. She was going to be picking up her sister.
"Kimari will be here soon, she told me on the phone." I said to Angelica.
"Whatever" she scoffed"as she walked out the door in front of me.

Kimari pulled up in her car and parked. Leaving my bags where they had been placed on the sidewalk I ran over to give her a hug. Her sister acting like a princess got in the front seat and slammed the door, not bothering to place her bags in the trunk.
"How the hell is she related to you?" I asked through clenched teeth, the slam had caused us both to jump. Kimari laughed a somewhat shy and sarcastic laugh "Yea, that's Angelica for you." She said as we placed all of the bags into the car.

When we pulled into the drive way of Kimari's house Angelica wasted no time in quickly getting out. She hurried inside leaving us to do all of the work again. Kimari and Angelica had gotten into it a bit in the car as Ki was trying to get her to watch the kids so her and I could talk. Angelica being a snot argued with her the whole time but finally settled on letting Ki get out when I offered to pay for her next lip injection.

After settling into the house Kimari and I went to the local park to talk. She told me the crises that was going on in her life. How could I not have realized things had gotten this bad, I felt horrible.
"I am so sorry Ki, I can not even imagine what you are going through." I said to her.
"I am tough Mi, I know I can get through this. I am just so thankful that you were able to come out here. How are you holding up? With Max and all..." Her voice trailed.
Tears welled up in the corners of my eyes. "I am hanging in there. I still have nightmares but they are fading slowly. I think that those have gotten better since we buried him."
"What was it that happened? I know you mentioned there was no foul play but you never went into what the corners office said happened." Kimari said softly.
My eyes closed and I took a breath in before answering. "He was electrocuted. He noticed some sparks coming from the dishwasher when we went inside that evening. He decided to try and fix it not realizing someone had spilled water and ice on the floor below him. Water and electricity do not mix." I said wiping a tear that had fallen. Besides my sister Aria who was with me, Kimari was the only other one to know what really happened that night.

We decided we needed to get out that night, find a form of fun. It was sure to involve drinking. Starting our drinking at Kimari's place we had a cab take us out to the bar. We had a long night of drowning our feelings in booze, vodka mostly. That was also the first time we kissed.

"Come on Willow" I pestered my best friend. "How else will we know if we are any good at kissing. We do want guys to think we are good at it don't we?" My mischievous smile widened at her as we stood i the cemetery.
"I don't know Mila, kissing another girl doesn't sound quite right. What if I like it." She joked with a wink.
Before she could say anything else I pulled her in and gave her a kiss, tongue used and all. The truth was that I had kissed boys before, I was 14 after all. This kiss though, this was the first girl and it was also the start of my curiosity to do more with females.

My eyes snapped open at the sound of a bottle hitting the floor. The memory of my first kiss with a female still in my head, why had I dreamed of that. The night was mostly a blur, I remembered drinking and a cab ride and getting a hotel. I froze in place as I took in my surroundings, we were definitely in a hotel.
"Good morning" I heard a female voice to the side of me.
"Ki?" I asked stupidly, who else would it have been. Moving my body under the covers I turned to her. Kimari's wide smile greeted me and I blushed.
"Did we..." I couldn't finish the sentence.
"We did." She confirmed with a kiss.
Kimari was gorgeous, her big blue eyes were a unique feature. The blue hair on her head was one that everyone recognized, she was loved by many.
"Kimari, I have a question for you if it is not too weird." I started. She sat up and looked at me. Taking a breath I continued, "You are beautiful and I wondered if you would be a challenge fath- well mother that is. There is new science that allows females to get pregnant together.""The words spilled out of my mouth faster than I had planned.
Her eyes lit up. "I would love to Mila, can I do it as well? I think we would make cute babies." She smiled.
The next day we visited the hospital and both of us left there pregnant.
Back at home in Starlight Shores my triplets celebrated their birthdays and I could not believe how much they had grown. Nyx and Ophilia agreed to stay and help me out with moving while I was pregnant. I was much bigger than I had been last time.

The months seemed to fly by and I had hoped to be moved out before the baby was born, finding a new home had proved to be difficult. With only weeks before the babies arrival I found us a new place to live. Nyx and Ophilia were amazing in helping me pack up and making sure the move went smoothly.

I came to find out the reason I was so massive was that I was having four babies, not just one. I was having quads. I was very excited to introduce Mayson, Jayden, Lilly and Reed into this world.
I got nervous knowing I would see Aria soon, she was still checking up on me at times and dropping by when she could. She was going to freak out over the fact I had a nose job done while I was gone. I was thankful she understood why I needed to leave the airport so quickly and not fly with her. This was going to be a mad house to take care of seven kids who were under the age of 8.

I hope you all enjoyed the newest chapter. I am so sorry it took me so long to get it out. Hopefully things will not take so long from now on. :)