Now that I was all settled into my small house I decided to check out the city. The first place on my list was the Art Museum! While there I met Finnegan Sawyer. He was so friendly. We hit it off great and had lots to talk about, a lot in common. He wasn't bad to look at either!
We became friends almost instantly.-This is it- I thought, -I can do this flirting thing!- That evening I went home thinking of Finnegan and how I was going to make him my first daddy in the challenge. After the art gallery I was able to get a guitar. I spent the rest of the night learning how to play. Who knows, maybe someone will want to play with me sometime when I get better at it?
The next day I went to a show in the park, it was HORRIBLE! Plus, there were no guys to flirt with who weren't already talking to someone. Leaving early I decided to use the rest of that time to take a painting class and to take a cooking class. I was going to have to know how to cook if I was going to be having 100 Children!
I called Finnegan on my way out of class just to let him know I was thinking of him. "I am thinking of you too", He said, "I cant get you out of my mind to be honest"! "Perfect", I exclaimed to myself, "I believe this is going to work wonderfully"
I went home and painted, I need to put those skills I learned in class to use! The next day I was feeling a little down about myself. So I stood in front of the mirror and practiced my speaking and flirting skills! I decided I was going to go out and try not to be self conscious. I went to a bar in town and chatted with the first guy I saw in there, He was okay, nothing special, no sparks or anything. I met another man there who was interesting, we had started to get along, but things did not go well from there. -Hmm- I pondered, -Maybe one day, after i get you to be my friend.-
The next day was a lazy one, I had slept in SO late from being out the night before that I decided to take it easy and just read a book most of the day. I picked out "Murder in Pleasantview" to read. It is kind of scary! I called Finnegan later that evening and asked him to come over. I was going to get a baby out of him!
I was sultry and seductive and he couldn't keep his hands off me, at least I hoped I was. You know what happens from there. He spent the night that night while I had dreams of babies. I really hope I am pregnant!
The next morning while making breakfast for us, I was shaking myself up trying to figure out how I was going to tell him that he was just a dad for my challenge. I could't get attached! It was going to be really hard to do since he surprised me with flowers. "I am smitten over you", he said. "Finnegan, I like you too but we need to talk" I replied back. "I don't know how to say this... I kind of used you to take part in my 100 baby challenge. I have always wanted a big family" "So, you don't really like me?", he asked. "No, I do, I just cant fall for anyone right now because of the challenge. I am so sorry" he looked hurt. "Well, okay, I guess if I helped then that's good" He seemed to take it well.
I suddenly felt VERY ill. I dashed to the bathroom and made it just in time before I puked. Please let me be pregnant! I decided to paint and Finnegan watched TV. The next morning I was woken up by a strange feeling, a call from the doctor confirmed it. "Oh my goodness! I am pregnant!" I couldn't be happier! I figured I should probably work on making more money so I painted. I went to the library later that day to start writing a novel! It's called "Day Dreamer" I was there for hours and hours.
My bump was bigger the next morning. "Goodness", I thought, "I am going to get big like this how many more times?" That night I went back to the library to read about gardening, I have always wanted a garden of my own. After reading it was off to the book store to get books about being a mommy! I enjoyed my favorite food that night, veggie Sushi! I spent a long time reading about being a mommy.
The whole time i was reading I had this strange feeling... "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!! This hurts" I screamed! How in holy heck was going going to do this again and again?!This was taking forever, I have never had babies before.I decided that going to the hospital was going to be the way I had my first child! I was getting too anxious at home. "Phew! That took forever, I am so tired, but can not wait to get home with my loves." I had twins, no wonder it hurt so much! Silas and Onyx Autumn.

They were so precious! I couldn't believe I was finally on my way to my dream! Feeding them green goo, man they were needy, I needed sleep desperately. But they cry and cry and want cuddles. But that is okay, I was going to get used to all of this. I was starving!
Silas Toddler
My house was a mess. One thing at a time right? I started teaching the boys their skills of potty training, talking and walking. The boys ate some mushy food.
I threw a small party. I invited mostly guys, but a few females to keep a semi balance.There was one guy in particular who I had had my eye on... I met him a few days prior. I think he will be my next daddy.... Who knows?!
Thoughts? Comments?
Thank you for reading
(AN- These first few chapters of mine are rough, but my writing does get better.[This one is copied over from fb])
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